The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3646   Message #18691
Posted By: Paul Jay
04-Jan-98 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: One Morning in May...
Subject: One Morning in May...
I'm looking for the words to a song that (I think) James Taylor recorded in the early 70's or late 60's. The verses I remember are:

One morning, one morning, one morning in May,
I spied a young couple; they were making their way
And one was a lady so bright and so fair,
And the other was a soldier, and a brave volunteer

Good morning, good morning, good morning, said he,
And where are you going my pretty lady,
I'm going out a walking by the banks of the sea,
Just to see the waters roll and hear the nightingale sing.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 17-Mar-02.