The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95156   Message #1869729
Posted By: The PA
27-Oct-06 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds October things 2006
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds October things 2006
Road rage only on Fridays? I have it every morning from a lovelly gentleman in a very large BMW. We meet on a single track lane and he point blank refuses to reverse back into a space even if he's the nearest, last week I couldn't go back cos the postman was delivering and had left his door open on his van, so we had to wait for the postman to return and back up. Every morning he has his window down hurling abuse at me and shaking his fist, but I just smile. One morning he screamed that the lane was too small for my vehicle. He must be so stressed when he gets to work if thats how he starts his day. Mates think I should take it more seriously, but hey ho he's got to catch me first.

Thats the end of the serious bit, one of our engineers has just tried to get to a door without opening it first. The whole office is roaring with laughter !!