The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95801 Message #1869841
Posted By: 3refs
27-Oct-06 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: much talk about Muslims
Subject: RE: BS: much talk about Muslims
As we all look over our shoulders at the rest of the world, we should consider looking straight ahead. I mean no offence to spirituality in itself. You would think that a world that has had a Jesus, Muhammad, Moses and Siddhartha would be a better place. Animism and Hinduism allows one to believe in just about anything or anyone they choose. You can be atheistic and still be a Hindu. With suggestions being made that the separation of cultures or tribes in Iraq is the way to go, perhaps this should be considered with other regions of the world. We could gain much needed expertise from the United States or the former Soviet Union, on how to build a big fence and separate those who proclaim that their beliefs should be followed by all. We could all have our own little spot on the planet where we are free to believe in what ever we want, with one little tiny spot somewhere in the Arctic for those who think!