The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1870611
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
28-Oct-06 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
I have a colleague who never wears a tie or suit. He's gone up the management tree by ability, & passes interviews without dressing up. He just wears his normal casual coloured shirts, & trousers & does not try to impress by dressing differently. He does not own a business shirt, or sports jacket, and certainly not a tie.

When his mother re-married & he said he was giving he bride away, I was very pleased to find out that he just wore his normal gear! Mother might have worn a pretty dress, but son was just himself.

I've never worn high heels as my feet could never cope with them. When I was at school I used to get pissed off I couldn't wear what everyone else was wearing. Today I just buy the comfortable lines that take orthotics & look in horror at the flimsy expensive stuff fashionable women wear.

Today I was listening to a young woman telling her friend that she had worn her lovely white court shoes as she did not expect to be walking too much. She was hobbling along with a bright pink band-aid sticking out over her heel.
