The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95801 Message #1871324
Posted By: Bunnahabhain
29-Oct-06 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: much talk about Muslims
Subject: RE: BS: much talk about Muslims
'Borat' Played by a comedian with one joke, so got very old very quickly. If people have heard of him, then they will generally think him very tiresome, or those with single figure IQs find him hilarious. His previous one was the this white, jewish man was claiming discrimintaion against him everywhere "It's caus I'm black, Innit"
It has to be in the US, as the UK knows what he's up to. I can't see it working in the US, as the level of idiocy involved is beyond believe. On the other hand, you have congress, so maybe....
Yes, I'm a bit of a cultural snob. Offensive comedy should actually be funny.