The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56732   Message #1871601
Posted By: Amos
29-Oct-06 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Subject: RE: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Unexplained Wheels

The violence of tires, partly a mystery,
Is quite normal. Most scientists refrain
From rash conclusion – but, it seems clear, tires are driven
By a complex system, they explain.

Endless attacks on roads, curbs and sometimes children
Is a natural phenomenon because
The complex system follows natural laws.
Heat and pressure seem to come to bear and the true
Impact of direct current flowing in careful time, too,
Is poorly understood – these sparks and magnetics whirl
And in some way define the tire's higher world
Or the governing awareness of the wheel,
Perhaps the seat of all that it can think, or feel.

In any case, in their natural sphere,
Force and erosion, and therefore, fear
Are natural concomitants of living
In ways that seldom see forgiving.

It is thought that when these details are better understood
The question of tire-violence will be solved; then, we should
Be able to cure them of their tendency to beat
Mindless and brutal, upon the sleeping street.
Finding the source of their brutal black embrace
Will make the road-world a kinder, stiller place,
Free of the screaming cries of blackened hard assault,
As soon as we learn just what it is we ought to call
The governing power, or the subtle link
That drives it – or so the experts think.