The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47133   Message #1871697
Posted By: GUEST,Tomeboy
29-Oct-06 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?Obit1-09
Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?
Oct. 2006 . . . I live in County Chuck (Charles County) I still see Billy around once in a while. I've been a Dylan fan since back when "smokin' and spacin' was a full time enjoyment and I was here when all of the Hattie Carroll problems went down. I guess I have offered the tape of the "Hattie Carroll incident" song to as many people locally as would listen. I've not spoken to Bill about the incident, but you can be sure that I think about it any time I've seen him. He is an over-weight, over-moneyed, hard-drinkin' guy that has gotten away with more than the average person and now he banks on the continued success of "not having to pay for it" whatever it may be! It WILL CATCH-UP WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!