The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95352   Message #1871955
Posted By: hilda fish
30-Oct-06 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Clues and Nudges
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Clues and Nudges
I never was very good at this,
I give rhymes and couplets a big miss
Particularly when 'this' rhymes with 'kiss'
and....... oh shit, I've got 'miss';
so let's give it a go and hope for the best
'Best' COULD rhyme with 'this' or 'kiss'
or I could think of something out 'west'
and competely avoid 'kiss' (which is for the 'best)')
'cos 'west' and 'best' - you know what I mean.
......just thinking of a rhyme for 'best'
Now I've got 'mean' and all I can think of
Is 'clean' which is a bit of a clatter (!!).
Not good, not good, gotta do better!
Then again, what does it all matter?
Aha! 'better' and 'matter' I stutter!
Dare I conclude with 'utter'
Too too stupid and simple.
Now I'm stuck - with - ample!
Not one wish stated, actually about a dozen.
I did that last so I can conclude with 'cousin'.
Nah, bring it all on and hope for the 'best'
I'm gonna just leave this rhyming 'mess'.
(with apologies to all of yoos who are rooly good at this rhyming stuff)