The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18718   Message #187247
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
01-Mar-00 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: What is a pibroch
Subject: RE: What is a pibroch
Okay, guys--deep breaths now, pleeee-zzzzz?

Guest TRC, did you get an answer you could use before this went into warp drive thread leap? Personally, I appreciated the info, Clinton, Pastorpest, Sabra, Sorcha--I've heard the term "pibroch" many times, and assumed it had something to do with bagpipes, but that was the extent of my knowledge. Now I'm a little smarter, and I thank you.

Mbo, you amaze me--you sing, you write, you play, you compose, you paint, you roadie, you post (incessantly) if we could only gently persuade you to shut up and LISTEN once in awhile! You wear me out! Mellow out for awhile, okay? Take a nap or something. You're far too young to be that much of an overachiever...Sheesh!

Lin (who has a serious headache from the reverb over in the Recording Studio)