The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95925   Message #1872698
Posted By: Keef
30-Oct-06 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: German songs for singaround
Subject: RE: German songs for singaround
Gotta do Tom The Toad....(to the tune of oO Tanenbaum)

My favourite verse is
Oh Fred the fish
Oh fred the fish
Why are you lying on the dish
You did not see that hook ahead
and now your head is stuffed with bread.

I just came up with 2 more (really bad) verses
Armadillo Bill
Armadillo Bill
Why did you want just one more thrill?
High from the sky you thought you'd dive
Now you're no loooong
N ger alive (Groan)

Then there is this one

Oh zebra Zac
Oh Zebra Zac
Why are you lying on your back?
That bikie gang
they showed no pity
As they enjoyed
Besteeeeee ality!

I'll go now