The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96058 Message #1873822
Posted By: The PA
01-Nov-06 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Big Bonfire?
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bonfire?
Yep thought that would be the response.
However what I'm not seeking to do is spoil anyones fun, but what really upsets me is the problems we have with our animals. We live in a small village surrounded by farms. Year after year we hear and see the results of animals being spooked by some of the really loud fireworks that literally make the buildings shake. Not far away from us a vet had to be called to a horse so terrified by the noise and sudden flashes of light that it bolted and galloped blindly through a wooden fence. The injuries were horrific. There have been similar instances with sheep. This week Ive spent time picking up spent fireworks from out of our poultry runs and from around a barn containing 800+ bails of hay. Just one spark can cause untold damage. One or two nights around the 5th you can make arrangements for, but for 2 to 3 months, its impossible.
All we ask is that people look at the bigger picture and just have a little thought for their surroundings before they buy their fireworks.