The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96058   Message #1873861
Posted By: Bunnahabhain
01-Nov-06 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Big Bonfire?
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bonfire?
I don't think it's actually possible ban young thugs, although we used to have the (from certain points of view) good idea of putting them in uniform, and conquering third world countries with them. They generally either grew up, or didn't come back...

For fireworks, serious fines (£1000 a firework?) for any retailers selling them to anybody under 18, and ID'ing everybody who looks under 30 to make sure. That, and trying to get some common sense into people letting them off.

Here in Edinburgh, we get off quite lightly, having two very large, and free shows for the end of the festival ( now that's worth celebrating!), and Hogmany, which seems to remove alot of the excess entheuasiam for them around now. That, and having enough parks of a decent size that the yobs are merely annoying, not threating.