The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94056   Message #1874928
Posted By: Ferrara
02-Nov-06 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2006 Program Information
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway 2006 Program Information
Wow, Dean has created the most incredible set of online schedule grids. You may want to print them and bring them.

First of all they're in color.

Second (this won't help once you're at the Getaway) if you hold your cursor over a workshop, you will see at least the beginning of the blurb for that workshop.

Don't try to use the links from grid to grid though, because we haven't figured it out quite yet....

We know it's late to get this glitzy feature this year, but now that Dean has figured it out, we'll have it available from now on (as long as we can cajole Dean into being on the committe, at least!)

Take a look.

Workshop List

Saturday Schedule

Sunday Schedule

Saturday Schedule - Printable MS-WORD format

Sunday Schedule - Printable MS-WORD format