The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3256   Message #1875101
Posted By: GUEST,Hugh
02-Nov-06 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: Halloween Origins
Subject: RE: Halloween Origins
Well you see it all goes back to propaganda and being politically correct. Those old Romans were every much into ancestor worship and those sort of things. So being pagan that was not on for the church when it eventually made it to official status.

So whilst praying for the dead took place in the early church, there was no real commemoration. If it did start up (Maundy Thursday was apparently the popular day) it was officially frowned on, just in case ancestor worship stated up again and that certainly wouldn't do.

Now in 998 Odilo, Abbott of Cluny, started our 'modern' celebration on All Hallows and it stuck. I mean if the Abbott of Cluny was doing it, who was going to criticise! It was Kosher, well it couldn't be Kosher as that's jewish but you know what I mean

Now for lovers of trivia, if you are an Anglo-catholic in England (There are Catholics in the Anglican church) and study or work in education you can legally have a half day off to go to mass on All Saints day.

So, if it is Druids hollowing out turnips or good old Odilo – as they say you pays your money and you take your choice.