The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96134 Message #1875888
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Nov-06 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Driver Fired For Giving 'W' The Finger
Subject: RE: BS: Driver Fired For Giving 'W' The Finger
Plenty of things in life are technically "illegal" which are also essentially quite trivial and which happen all the time anyway and will in spite of any laws passed to control them. This incident was one of them.
Is there much likelihood that George Bush or his driver would have succumbed to "Road Rage", sprung out of their limousine, and assaulted the bus driver? ;-) I hardly think so. If they had, however, it would have made the story much more controversial and therefore newsworthy! I bet CNN would have loved that, eh? Gee, pity it didn't happen. (joke)
It's just one more farcical incident in a country that is becoming a little less sane with each passing year as it slides gradually into the grip of an Orwellian regime.
Still, I am not surprised by the arguments presented both by those who think the bus driver should have been fired, and those who think not. Each argument sounds pretty plausible from its own perspective. That's what usually happens with such things, and the only thing that's surprising is how tenaciously people will cling to only one view of a situation once they have formed an initial opinion about it. They lose all sense of accomodation and compromise.