The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65102 Message #1876709
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
05-Nov-06 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: Is it really Folk?
Subject: RE: Is it really Folk?
I knew that Herder/Grimm crowd would lead me astray. It was them that got me smoking cigarettes, acting big and pretending I enjoyed straight sex.
The Noble Savages though... what a band. Will we ever see their likes again. I remember a gig in back in '64. The lead banjo player had OD'd on snakebites - they said, can you sit in Al - we're desperate and we neeed you.
As luck would have it, I'd lent my last banjo string to Jimmy Page, who was auditioning for Led Zeppelin that very night. What I mean is, I coulda bin a contender.....history shoulda bin different.