The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96150   Message #1877048
Posted By: GUEST,Martian Observer
05-Nov-06 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Neo-Con Rats Abandon Ship!
Subject: RE: BS: Neo-Con Rats Abandon Ship!
The term "neo-con" in present Earth parlance is a term that has arisen out of the American political ferment of the last 20 to 25 Earth years, approximately, roughly since the inception of the Reagan presidency. It is a generalization pertaining to certain individuals in the political arena who style themselves as "conservatives", to use another such term, but it denotes a very radical form of conservatism (which is, oddly enough, a somewhat contradictory concept since conservatism is supposed to be opposed to radicalism). This neo-con form of conservatism claims to be against "big government" but actually promotes big government heavily by increasing government spending and government authority and control. It embraces a messianic philosophy of intervention in world affairs through military force, whether or not the USA has actually been attacked or even threatened by the targets of that military force. It envisions an executive branch with much greater powers, served by an obedient and toothless Congress and judiciary which act primarily as servants of major corporations and as a rubber stamp for the executive. It envisions a military which again serves as a compliant servant of the executive branch, thus surrendering what independent authority it may once have had in crucial military decision-making. It sees the USA as destined to rule the entire world through being the one and only superpower...all other countries to be rendered subservient for their greater good and for the good of their people.

That other countries do not respond well to the latter proposition should not come as any surprise, but the application of major corporate financial pressure, combined with the threat of massive military intervention by the superpower is assumed to be enough to bring them into line. If not, then war is considered to be justifiable and laudable in achieving that purpose.

The neo-con, believing fervently in his messianic mission to transform his country and the world, is also frequently under the impression that God Himself has ordained all this to be...although it must be said that some neo-cons are atheistic...but if they are, they remain quiet about it.

The so-called "neo-con", meaning "radically new conservative", is thus anything but conservative in nature. His is a mission which tosses out all that has gone before in favor of a bold new approach which in its radicalism might better be compared to the sort of extremism which led to movements such as the Fascist movement in Italy in the 20's and 30's or the Nazi movement in Germany in the 30's and 40's.

Those movements ultimately failed because of disastrous wars that discredited them and brought them down, and the same is likely to happen with the neo-con movement. In fact, it is happening right now.

Whether the neocons can rebound from their losses and take "another kick at the can" remains to be seen. Tune in to the Earth Channel for further fascinating updates in the days to come.