The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95821   Message #1877938
Posted By: Severn
06-Nov-06 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
Will the post Getaway (That would be a "Gotaway", right? As in "Gotaway with words, and music besides") also be done up in full costume?

Will the flamin" phlegm-in-gos have to stand outside stock still in the cold to make it look like a trailer park?

Or will the ostriches be ostrich-sized and have to stand the watch themselves? ("Sure, I can see everything with my head buried down here! Why do you ask? Ear-to-the ground and all that.....")

Some have said that the cowboys "MADE their Getaway" (Much like Frank & Jesse made theirs, I suppose)

On the other hoof (or wing?), others have asked "Is it true that aged children should be herded and not seen?"

I'll make it to a singaround someday, but while I'm back at the post office "pushing the envelope", I hope you all have a good time up there and that the pictures from there will be just as damaging as the ones from down here.