The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96242   Message #1879006
Posted By: GUEST
08-Nov-06 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Election results
Subject: RE: BS: Election results
You folks don't get it. Bush now has the power to suspend the Constitution and declare himself president for life. And the Democrats voted for this. And the public just went through another voting farce where votes were stored on memory cards. Now Bush will be impeached so the US can focus on his smirking face while the country is merged with Mexico. The paperwork has already been signed. It's a done deal. But you'll get hissy about stem cell research and "evangelicals" and all the other non-issues and wake up one morning to hear a blurb on TV about the dollar being floated, and the next morning you'll find the "new dollar" is worth a penny. Does any of this sink in? There's only one party at the national level.