The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96242   Message #1880258
Posted By: GUEST,beardedbruce
09-Nov-06 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Election results
Subject: RE: BS: Election results

My comment was that if there was any tampering IN MD it would be by the Dems, who control the LOCAL election boards in the populous areas. With ony 4 counties, they can shift to electing all Dems in the close contests- like govornor and Senate ( Gee, I wonder who won???)


The LOCAL election boards are the ones with the access to change the vote totals. Didn't Bill Clinton claim he would deliver some votes, this election? Which machines did he tamper with?
I anm presenting MORE evidence of fraud in MD that has been shown in Ohio. The fact thet the "wrong" side one seems to have been enough to call into question Ohio 2004.