The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96273   Message #1880471
Posted By: Don Firth
09-Nov-06 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pelosi
Subject: RE: BS: Pelosi
GUESTs, you are a collection of nincompoops. The woman hasn't taken office yet, and won't until after the first of the year. The whole bunch of you have no idea of what she plans or what she will or will not do, and yet you're attacking her on the basis of your particular penchant for anger and hatred. For Chissake, you'd all bitch and complain about a free lunch!!

I just heard an interview with Gore Vidal this morning. He was asked about impeaching Bush, and his response was that there is plenty of reason for impeaching him, but we shouldn't really worry all that much about Bush. "He's only the organ-grinder's monkey. If you want to impeach anyone, it should be the organ-grinder himself. And there is plenty of basis. Cheney is the champion of all war profiteers and he's managed to pour immense amounts of money into the coffers of his company, Halliburton, with no-bid contracts related to a war that he had a hand in starting. His holdings, which have increased hugely over the past couple of years, are being held in trust for him until he leaves office. That's blatant conflict of interest and it's illegal. He's guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. That's an impeachable offense."

Various GUESTs would have us concentrate on vengeance to the exclusion of ignoring what really needs to be done.

I don't give a damn about vengeance. Yes, it would be very satisfying on a visceral level to hang all the miscreants by the thumbs. But one likes to maintain the illusion that we are modern and civilized. We no longer assassinate our political opponents as they did in Renaissance Italy. As long as we have them safely stashed out of the way where they can't do any further damage, let's get on with what needs to be done. Cleaning up the mess they've made.

History will consign them to the trash-pile.

Don Firth