The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18703   Message #188054
Posted By: The Shambles
02-Mar-00 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
With thanks to all the contributors and after six days hard work and one day of rest, I wish to announce that the UNI-VERSE is now finished and ready to proudly make it's way in to The Mudcat Songbook.

The world is but a song.

This thought struck me today as I realised that we must think in those terms. For do we not refer to the 'whole shooting match' as THE UNI-VERSE

Now this IS collective a song challenge: To write the Uni-Verse……..?. Our at least a, Uni-Verse.

*(I have it in my head for some strange reason, that tune-wise this should be a square dance, calling,, music then verse, 'take your partners' type thing)

To Write The Uni-Verse

For a song challenge, can there be one worse?
Than just to write the Uni-Verse
Everthing and nothing can be used
But only serves to make you more confused

For a song challenge, why what could be better.
The world is your subject, so get off your setter.
Fire up the old keyboard, let your talent take wing.
(I can't wait for the verses that this one will bring!) Troll

Your space and your time keep our poor spirits locked
But we found a way by you: We sing and we rock
We blues, harp and banjo 'til our spirits go free
So you'll have to do better us'ns mean to stay free! Amos

Out of Chaos came not "The Word"
But "THE SONG" for those who heard
Melody of crystal sphere
Harmonies in every ear Mmario

If your rhymes don't scan, when you try to write,
If they just don't work, though you work all night,
If you start to think that you're not too bright,
Don't dispair!You just need rhythm.
If the songs keep buzzin' through your head,
If they wake you up, as you lie in bed,
If it seems like rhyme , and line won't wed,
Don't dispair! You just need rhythm.
Just count the beat, it isn't tough,
Though I'll admit that rhymings rough,
You hang in there and sure enough,
Hey Baby! You got rhythm!

Thou, spiral, cosmos, far, entrancing
Do not see us down here, dancing
You, we grant you, space, are Big
But we do not give a fig!

Though you seem so never ending
You know nothing of befriending
Nor of knowing, seeing, being
Or affections warm and freeing

Endless spacetime, force and masses
Which to you for grandeur passes
Keep your endless ground, expanding
We have simple Understanding.Amos

The great Big Bang? That was some feat… …
or was it just the Great Bodhran Player Anticipating the beat? mcmoo

Out of nothing grew the song
The one great Verse that we all belong.
But, wrap around our heads for naught
For all is nothing so we're taught.

The great AUM in silent contemplation
Becomes a chorus of Divination.
The Uni-Verse is this: A nothingness of everything
Silent, heard within as this we sing. katlaughing

Matter never seems to care
Light and matter are unfair
Justice, Truth and Things that Matter
Cruel space just leaves to splatter!

Are we dull Chemistry's daughter?
Carbon life forms, filled with water?
One telling fact this Lie doth show --
Matter never learned to Know. Amos

Space and time, feel their heatbeat,
Steady beating, soft and sweet.
Like the Bodhran, keeping time
Mother Nature writing rhyme. Molly Malone

Things are grim, but they could get worse,
In the physical Universe
Winter woes can chill your dreams
Entropy unman your schemes

But mankind just keeps on bragging
Armed with spirit, never flagging
Keep the rhythm, and the time
All that matter's in your mind! Amos

Chemistry and Spirit Melding
Dust to diatoms descending
the sea within all cells is showing
the descent we are not knowing Mmario

In the beginning, there was One
He made the planets, moon, and sun
Dwarfs of red and giants blue
Asteroids and quasars too
Accretion disks and flavored quarks
Satellites with odd-shaped marks
Clusters open, clusters tight
Neutrinos speeding through the night
Nebulas and clouds of gas
Calculated Jovian Mass
And here and there He chose to scatter
Heaps of dark and puzzling matter
But scientists they say I'm wrong
It's cold hard science all along
But I know of the One who wrough
The universe from just a thought
He made these things not as a toy
But as something we could all enjoy
"But why so puzzling?!" you may cry....

The Answer:

To keep humanity asking "why?" Mbo

Why this furious analyzing,
Life should always be surprising,
Dullness, dreary without end,
Knowing whats 'round every bend.
Not for me the sheltered life,
Give me danger,give me strife,
always going to, not from.
Look out universe, here I come! Troll

Water shimmers, rushes by
Karma mends the earth and sky
Fire burns, lighting brightly
Arms of wind do wrap us tightly. Molly Malone

The Universe is still expanding
The soaring rocks on which we're standing
Hurtle toward their destination
Regardless of our consternation
Nebulae go shooting past
Fragments of the Primal Blast
Did God Almighty have the notion?
Or is this so much random motion
Did someone set the clockwork going?
And if he did, is he past knowing
Our dreams, our hopes, our blind desires
Sleeping 'neath the ancient fires
Kindled there at Time's beginning
Heedless of our pride and sinning
And yet we turn our Human Face
To view the tractless void of space
And seek within this wasteland broad
the contours of the Face of God LEJ

The Uni-verse Song was an interesting idea,
And I fear I'm too late to do more than just seeya.
Your words were inspiring, your tunes a delight.
Now is it time, dears, to bid a good night?

Shamb laid the challenge, and you all have weighed in.
But d'ye think that the Universe could actually fit in?
The song need not end but the thread will wax long;
And the time may soon come when we all will move on.

Another sun's coming with another day's zest,
And another opportunity to give Mudcat your best
. Another idea, or challenge, or joke;
A spirit to lift or, perhaps, eye to poke.

Another book to be planned, or a tune to research.
Lots of LOL, and perhaps a dessert.
Tomorrow has come, and inside it I see
That the Mudcat is always a good place to be.

Talking Quantum Physics, Ying and Yang
Can't hear nothing, for that old 'Big Bang'
But where I ask, did that 'Big Bang' start?
In an empty void or in God's big heart? The Shambles

God's Word on the subject, I think, is quite clear,
The problem-- we listen with our poor human ear.
He's given us options to access what's True,
And I wonder-- which option works best for you? Praise