The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96199   Message #1880882
Posted By: Azizi
09-Nov-06 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: Memories of John in Brisbane
Subject: RE: Memories of John in Brisbane
Unfortunately, being relatively new to this community, I don't believe that I had the pleasure of "meeting" John in Brisbane.

I gather from eading comments on this thread that not having known John in Brisbane was my loss. So I thought that -to a slight degree-I might be able to remedy that by reading some posts that John in Brisbane wrote. Putting John in Brisbane's name in Mudcat's search engine did result in multiple 'hits' from Mudcat's archived threads. However, scanning those threads searching for gems seemed a bit much.

But it occurred to me that a better way of getting a sense of the personality, mind, and spirit of John in Brisbane and the other Mudcatters that catspaw mentioned would be to do as Bill and catspaw had mentioned. Why not create a Mudcat Honor Roll thread? .

It was your idea, Bill D -seconded by catspaw. Why not create a Honor Roll thread for those Mudcatters who have passed on?

In order for those of us who did not have the opportunity of knowing {or knowing them well} those persons'listed on such a thread, it would be great if persons posting to such a thread would include links to posts that you consider to exemplify that person.

Are there reasons why there isn't a thread that would serve as a Mudcat Honor Roll for members who have passed on?