The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96273   Message #1880914
Posted By: Ron Davies
10-Nov-06 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pelosi
Subject: RE: BS: Pelosi
Well, fortunately, there weren't many in the country who were as proud as of their record of virtually never backing a winning candidate--MN Monster can revel in this accomplishment.

Most people this time around seem to have decided that 6 years of 1-party Bushite rule wasn't really working out that well---and to do something about it than lob verbal grenades--they actually voted to toss out said Bushites.

And it sure is too bad that co-operation, which is what Nancy et al. seem to have in mind--not point-scoring-----is a foreign concept for the Monster.

Scorched earth is just not a good policy in government--perhaps the Monster should move to Iraq--it seems to be a popular idea over there.

Let us know how it goes.