The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73340   Message #1881188
Posted By: JennyO
10-Nov-06 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
Mainly because it's nearly over. Actually it was a bloody horrible rotten day, full of stress, and everything that could possibly go wrong, did. I don't even have a chance to enjoy a weekend in the garden, which I had originally planned to do, because my father-in-law died on Wednesday, so I'm being picked up by my son at 6.30 tomorrow morning and I'm spending the weekend in Kempsey at a family gathering with my ex-husband's family.

My daughter may or may not make it depending on whether she can get her act together enough. More stress either way. That's a whole 'nother story. To be fair, these are nice people - it's just that after this week I REALLY could have done with a quiet weekend with my beans and tomatoes.

Then when I come back on Monday there will be the matter of my car to deal with. All of a sudden the most reliable car in the world is starting to play up, and they haven't got to the bottom of the problem yet because it's an intermittent problem. It behaved perfectly when the NRMA came to have a look. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!