The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18676   Message #188158
Posted By: Willie-O
02-Mar-00 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: The Mighty Quinn (Bob Dylan)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Ian and Sylvia's 'The Mighty Quinn'
You guys (Amos n Bud) are fighting a lost rear-guard action, sorry...

language changes and evolves, and it continues to happen! We just haven't found a suitably brief but right-sounding replacement pronoun for "man", plural. ("Co" was suggested but sounds like computer code or something, not like a word at all.) It's not because folks don't understand that it means "homo sapiens" as well as "person of male gender", it's that they don't like it--because of the obvious implication.

But never mind. What I was going to say was, not only did Sylvia Fricker Tyson write "You Were On My Mind", it was the first song she ever wrote! Sheesh.
