The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96273   Message #1882410
Posted By: Ron Davies
10-Nov-06 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pelosi
Subject: RE: BS: Pelosi
Mick is right. Nancy et al. have to prove they are interested in co-operation, not gridlock--or they will be out on their ears in 2008.

Impeachment talk may make you feel good--but it won't happen. To impeach and convict you need quite a bit of Republican co-operation--which won't be there. And even with the recent attack of good sense on the part of the US voting public, the balance in the Senate is only 51-49. Not enough to impeach and convict.

And the US public is not interested in vindictive behavior on the part of newly resurgent Democrats--they'd rather get some problems solved.

However, as I've pointed out elsewhere, in-depth investigations can proceed--as for instance on the question of just how the propaganda campaign that got us into the Iraq war worked. And Cheney, for instance, is in that up to his neck--or above.

Specifically we need an inquiry into the contradictions between what the Bush regime was telling the country and what the intelligence community knew at the time.

This would be very instructive--and entertaining.