The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95821   Message #1882804
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle Jaque
10-Nov-06 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: Post Getaway at SINSULL's
Glad to see you're still at it; been a while since Aunt Mahtha & me wuz down t' one o' these things, & would love to do it again sometime.

Since then, we moved from Yarmouth up here to Monmouth (sort of halfway between Augusta and Lewiston) at the end of Sept., and our Daughter produced our first Granddaughter, Anabeth Avery, via C-section (the kid was, per family tradition, bass-akwards) on Oct. 30. Cute lil' critter, too. If she takes after her Maw, she'll be a singer for sure.

I'd forgotten what a pain in the arse moving was - but sure got a rude reminder on this one, after almost 30 years in the yarmouth digs. Spend most of my time looking for stuff, then doing without when I caint find it. Havn't even had my guitar out of the case for over a month now.

Was going to march in the Portland parade tomorrow with the 3rd Maine, but vascular issues in feet from Korea '68 have been acting up and marching on asphalt followed by an hour or two of standing around listening to obligatory bloviations would do them no good.
Besides, I've forgotten about half of our fife repitoire, and can't find my darned music book to brush up with.

The VA up here at TOGUS is doing right well by me, Jeri; it's possibly the best thing our gub'mint ever come up with for us. Amazing.
The only hassle I've got now is all the paperwork and falderall involved in applying for disability rating - I need to buy a copier to back up all the documents that have a way of getting "lost".

Do any of you know if there are any folkie things - jams, sessions, whathaveyou going on up this way? I'd kinda like to get back into it if I could. Looks like my civilwar so'jerin' days are about played out.   As you know, I'm mos'ly into the old stuff - early to mid 19th Century for the mos' part.

It's sure to be a hoot at Sins' Sat night, and I'll be missin' ye; kind regards and warm fuzzy feelin's tae ye all!