The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96318   Message #1883011
Posted By: Fergie
11-Nov-06 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: The Mudcat Is Under Fire
Subject: RE: The Mudcat Is Under Fire
Hi fellow Mudcatters

I usually stay away from this type of thread but I feel that I must comment on the above,

I think Mudcat is a tremendous asset to the Tradition. I visit almost every day and I learn lots, I get lyrics, airs and tunes, background information, valuable insights into the history of songs, singing and singers etc. etc. Its priceless and its free.

I have made good friends here and I have had some memorable laughs.

I want to thank Max and the Clones and all the people involved for the trojan unpaid work they do to keep this valuable resource going, despite the constant attacks it comes under from both without and within.

Thanks you for Mudcat warts and all.

Fergus Russell