The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96311   Message #1883658
Posted By: JohnInKansas
12-Nov-06 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cleaning a hip flask
Subject: RE: BS: Cleaning a hip flask
When I mentioned the use of rice with sufficient liquid to let it slosh apparently a number of overachievers assumed that meant "pack it in with a hammer." It does lend credence and support to the frequent observations about the culteral, functional, and material (in)competence of a few.

If the flask is full it won't slosh. If the last grain sticks, put a few more fresh grains back in, fill with a liberal amount of liquid (perhaps half full) and shake to dislodge and loosen all the grains, and then pour quickly.

This method is NOT RECOMMENDED for the last grain of rice stuck in your kid's nose, or even in an ear, no matter how appropriate the vigorous shaking might seem; but is quite adequate when rice is used as a loose abrasive in a closed container.

The methods involving large snakes and jello might me considered more appropriate for the kid with rice stuck where it shouldn't be; but I'll leave that decision to those stuck with ministering parental love and care to the little monsters.

The "rice treatment" has been recommend by the manufacturers of glass thermal (e.g. Thermos®) bottles, but in truth it takes a horribly prolonged amount of vigorous shaking to have much affect on any significant stain. It's a very gentle abrasive. I usually give up and use a stiff brush (twisted wire with bristles) that I can bend to reach the corners; but that depends somewhat on the flask material.

(Why is it that people who post questions always omit the critical information, and then refuse to answer questions about it? This "Joe Offer" is obviously just trolling. He should put it back in and zip up.)
