The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1883854
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Nov-06 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
TO:          Folks who engage in discussion with this person
FROM:       Long term member who has watched this for about 7 years or so
RE:          False premise debate

You see, folks, this is how a veteran troll who neurotically needs attention draws you in. He creates, or seizes on, false and incorrect premises and gets you to debate them. Then he keeps it going until some other opportunity presents itself for him to go down another phoney path, thereby allowing him to get the attention that his neurosis/condition demands. Here is the false premise he is using:

    He has seized on the analogy of this being a court of law. A court is an adjudicator of laws. Laws are based on the rights granted by one's government/monarchy/whatever. In theory they are inalienable. This is not a governmental unit. You have no rights here. You are simply allowed to participate in the forum that the owner has set up. You agree to abide by whatever he sets as the parameters for usage. All the references to court are not applicable. And the references to Animal Farm show this persons martyr/Jesus complex in its full glory. He believes in that twisted mind that he is Snowflake. Nothing could be further from the truth.