The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96273   Message #1884111
Posted By: Bobert
12-Nov-06 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pelosi
Subject: RE: BS: Pelosi
Hey, I don't think you'd find anyone here who would love to see Bush and Cheney empeached than me but... ain't gonna happen and I'll tell ya' why:

There are lessons to be learned from history and the Dems, I think, have been payin' attention here... Look at what happened to the so-called '94 Revolt for starters... It marked the end of a long run by the Dems in Congress but here we are 12 years later and that revolt has all but fizzled out from partisanship and corruption...

Yeah, the Dems could go for the throat here but then they, along with Bush and Cheney, will be out in '08... The voters know that Bush and Cheney have messed up... The Repubs know it... Shoot, my cats know it... But another deeply partisan fight right now would be playin' right into the Repubs hand for '08...

Nancy Pelosi knows this and so it ain't gonna happen...

Bush and Cheney are the best things that the Dems could wish to have around in 2 years so, like I've said before, ain't gonna happen...
