The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96396   Message #1884715
Posted By: Peace
13-Nov-06 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: CN U PSS THS TST?
Subject: BS: CN U PSS THS TST?
"New Zealand has just decreed that high school students can use "text-speak," the language of cellphone text messaging, on tests.
   Text-spaek uses abbreviations like txt for text, lol for laughing out loud or lots of love, and CU for see you.
   Kiwi Country's Qualifications Authority says while it strongly discourages students from using anything other than full English, it will give credit if an answer "clearly shows the required understanding," even in text-speak.
   Folks Down Under are divided on the idea.
   Internet blogger Phil Stevens wasn't amused by the announcement. "nzqa (New Zealand Qualifications Authority): u mst b joking," he wrote. "or r u smoking sumthg?"

Compiled by Kathy Murrie"

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