The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96301   Message #1884762
Posted By: GUEST
13-Nov-06 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Armistice Day - not monitored
Subject: RE: BS: Armistice Day - not monitored
Nov 11 is Veteran's Day in the U.S. 11-11.

Note the 11 behind the soldier in the image below. Broadcast by CNN on Veteran's Day:

Just type "shadow government" into any search engine and you'll quickly find open admissions by the US govt that a "parallel" govt is now running in the US. It was activated on Sept 11. This is the CIA's govt. The real govt of the US. The elected officials are just window dressing.

The CIA has an interesting history. Founded by men who supported Hitler. Men from Yale University, primarily, where the Germanic death cult of Skull and Bones has a strong presence. 9 of the 16 CIA directors have been former Skull and Bonesmen. This "fraternity" has connections to the Illuminati. The Illuminati are insane numerologists. Their numerology revolves around the number 11. Eleven is important because it visually symbolizes the twin pillars of the temple of Solomon. Long, long history there, but in the modern world, 11 keeps cropping up. The end of WW1 was delayed so the Armistice could be signed on the 11th hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Then the monuments started going up around the world, monuments engraved with the word "sacrifice." Most modern wars have been satanic/Illuminatist sacrifices to Lucifer. Look at GWBush's Veteran's day speech. The word "sacrifice" is used five times...five is the number of the pentagram/pentagon...more satanic numerology:

These animals have been running things for a long time. They back both sides in all wars. They own both parties in all elections. That's how they control us, by controlling the "opposition" groups. And they keep going and going and going.

They leave calling cards. They are a gang that leaves tags behind to mark their territory. The twin towers (resemblance to the number 11), politicians admitting they're sacrificing soldiers, Illuminati eyes on TV screens, currency and logos everywhere.

Armistice day is just another of these gang signs. A mockery. The people who run the world shake their asses in your face on November 11th and pretend sympathy for the dead, but in reality they're telling you you're an idiot because you can't see the blatant symbolism.