The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96273   Message #1885731
Posted By: akenaton
14-Nov-06 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pelosi
Subject: RE: BS: Pelosi
Big Mick may have a point in stating that people like Richard and I have no right to express opinions on American political affairs, but the US administration sure tried hard to convince us "europeans" to join them in their adventure into Iraq.
Unfortunately our leaders were easy to convince Each wanting part of the reflected glory of the "Liberation". The electorate in France, Germany ,Spain, Italy and even Britain were never convinced by the lies.

Mick is not only wrong but deluded, if he believes the members of this forum ignore the posts of Guest. I for one always read and respect the writing of this poster. He/she hits hard and often, the posts are eloquent and well researched. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the sentiments expressed, this is one poster who can't be ignored.
Without folk like this the BS section would be bland and uninteresting.

There is something pathetic about people of our age who never question why things never turn out as we would like them to and continually blame the labels for our political misery.

I've been a radical all my life, seen the tricks played by the politicians and made plenty of mistakes,but at this stage of my life, I KNOW for sure that sticking our heads in the sand and hoping something good evolves from the Capitalist status quo is self-delusion on the grand scale.

I say three cheers for GUEST!!   we're lucky to have such an original mind in our group.......and fuck all who support warmongers whether they be "Pubs" OR "Dems"......Ake