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Thread #96273   Message #1885876
Posted By: Don Firth
14-Nov-06 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pelosi
Subject: RE: BS: Pelosi
GUEST,MM, why do you single me out to name? Apparently you haven't been paying attention to quite a number of things I've written here. Among other things, where I said the following:
"I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Democratic Party. I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of any political party. You assume I am a Democrat, and you are wrong. And you're just as wrong about a lot of people here.

"As an independent (not a member of 'the Independent Party, I am truly independent), I can communicate meaningfully with all political parties, and since they're all courting independent voters, they tend to listen to them, often more closely than to their own confirmed members. I think a lot of the smarter, more politically astute people here are doing exactly as I am doing."
I hear people like you yelling "Off with their heads!" and offering damned little in the way of practical, strategic politics.

I am no "party loyalist" as you and your anonymous cohorts keep insisting. I want to see the various members of the Bush administration--and others--get their come-uppance. But I'm far more interested in getting this illegal war stopped, this idiotic and ominous hacking away at our rights in the name of a spurious "war on terrorism" reversed, and get the country back on track and see if we can win back some of the international respect we like to think we had before the freakin' American Imperialists took over.

Right now, the Democrats are our best hope of at least slowing the present downhill slide. If not them, then who?   What WE need to do is stay on their backs and demand that they fulfill their promises—make sure they actually do what they say they're going to do.

All I've heard out of you lot is a chorus of moaning about how rotten the Democrats are and how we're all doomed. Not much practical help.

Apart from sharpening and oiling up the guillotine, if you have anything resembling a plan, then let's hear it.

Don Firth