The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96356   Message #1885953
Posted By: Elmer Fudd
14-Nov-06 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Novel preferences 1st or 3rd?
Subject: RE: BS: Novel preferences 1st or 3rd?
Didn't mean that last post to come out sounding as cranky as it did. I've read some autobiographies that set my teeth on edge with the not-so-hidden agendas of their authors, as well as others so self-revelatory as to be almost blinding in their purity. (The afore-mentioned "This Boy's Life" is one of those.)

I recently had occasion to read a number of books about Jimi Hendrix written by various eyewitnesses. I read about the exact same events over and over, each seen through different eyes, each slanted in a manner designed to make the author (or the person standing in front of the ghostwriter) look good. Almost every "author" had a chip on his or her shoulder about something. The books appeared mostly to be written either to cash in on an association with Hendrix or to vent about wrongs committed by managers, record companies, lovers, etc. Each purported to "set the record straight."

Talk about different truths!
