The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18806   Message #188720
Posted By: John in Brisbane
03-Mar-00 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Help: how do you figure out a tune from a boo
Subject: RE: Help: how do you figure out a tune from a boo
I'm in the process of writing a (hopefully) simple notation guide for Mudcatters. If I can overcome some HTML Graphics problems I may have it complete in a couple of days. I'll let you know.

M. Ted I'm not familiar with the Mac environment, but its author is a regular at the ABC Users List, of which I am now a member. If you give me a bit more background I will ask him the question.

I'll need to check it out but one of the newer notation pacjages (Melody Assistant?) is Mac enabled. I'll do some looking.

Regards, John