The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96273   Message #1887760
Posted By: GUEST
18-Nov-06 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pelosi
Subject: RE: BS: Pelosi
Yes, break out the hip waders. Vaginal politics are a deeply messy subject.

Women have been had. The World Bank (and its federal reserve branch in the U.S.) created the "women's movement" in order to break up families. More taxes can be collected if the woman is forced to go to work. Split up the home, then BOTH parents have to work. And that means fewer hours spent with the kids, so the kids can be governmentized into mindless trolls by TV and "public education." What a sweet, sweet plan. So all-encompassing. Screws up all members of the family. And when women begin to suspect the truth, give them a coiffed Madame Speaker. That'll keep 'em quiet.

And the enviromental movement. The waft coming from Al Gore's vagina seems disingenuine. Is s/he not what s/he claims to be? The polar caps are melting so coastal areas will be flooded! Panic! Run for the hills. But wait a minute. Ice expands when it freezes. Therefore, if the caps melt, the volume displacement caused by the ice will lessen, leading to LOWERING sea levels. It's an ill wind that blows from the Gorish vagina.

The Biodiversity Treaty attempts to sell you on the idea that you are bad for the environment. Bad humans. You need to be CONTROLLED. But the people controlling you (Rumsfeld/Monsanto) have spliced cockroach genes into your tomatoes to give them longer shelf life. Thousands of other tinkerings too. It takes generations for humans to adapt to one little genetic glitch in the food chain, but now we're being assaulted with THOUSANDS of unnatural changes, all at once. You have been badly deceived, you greenies! Your bodies are now struggling to fight against substances never meant to be eaten. "Diabetes" is skyrocketing, but that's just an umbrella term being used to cover the collection of symptoms in our Monsanto-assaulted bodies. You are eating scorpion genes and stinkweed genes and your body is fighting them as it would any other pathogen. And your body is losing. So who's the bad guy in this situation...the man down the block with the smoky car or the CEO who approves the addition of spider genes to your wheat? You've been deceived, I say, and now you'll be mollified by the vaginal team coming in to continue the deception.

The era of the Gore-y Green Vagina is upon us.