The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96423   Message #1887895
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Nov-06 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Borat film exploits Romanian gypsies
Subject: RE: BS: Borat film exploits Romanian gypsies
I heard that he had created the character some time ago as a man from Khazakstan...but he didn't know at that time that he would eventually be doing it in a major movie release...thus attracting a lot of international attention. These things have a way of growing quietly, with unforseen consequences farther down the line.

Look at it from the point of view of the Khazaks themselves. What would better serve them? To laugh at the ridiculous nature of this movie, shrug, and let it roll off them like water off a duck's back....or to get all bent out of shape about it and get furious and self-defensive and huffy and be in a lousy mood for ages and issue death threats and generally lose control of themselves?

You can give your power away by getting upset or you can choose not to do that when something like this happens.

I would have forgotten about this movie 5 minutes out of the theatre if not for this thread. ;-) I suggest that in a month from now it will not seem very important anymore and in a year it will be mostly forgotten by just about everybody.