The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96409   Message #1888619
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Nov-06 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who here's a writer?
Subject: RE: BS: So who here's a writer?
I have been paid for all of my published writings.

With the internet, more and more writers are going directly to their market, giving the finger, so to speak, to publishers and becoming their own pubs. That is not vanity publishing.(Click HERE if you don't know the difference.) If one frequents writers' forums, one will quickly find out self-publishing is a growing and successful trend. CafePress acts as a printer and allows one to self-publish, with their own ISBN number, without any upfront costs, which pleases me to no end. By doing it that way, it also allows me to negotiate with distributors, cutting out the costs of a middleman. I am about to sign a contract with a major one out of Boulder, as a matter of fact.

Don, I used to do ad copy at a radio station, too and have done some tv ads as well as written fashion show poems for a local humane society. That was fun!

Hawker/Lucy, was it you asked if anyone was doing NaNoWriMo? I am, for the first time, and I love it. The discipline is great. I have over 35,000 words, so far. The rest seems like a piece of cake, now that I have reached that first goal.

Thanks for the kind words, folks.
