The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96557   Message #1889574
Posted By: leeneia
20-Nov-06 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: Origins-Lo yisa goy
Subject: a Jewish song for Christmas
OUr church is having a concert the Sunday before Christmas, and one of our songs is called Lo Yisa Goy, Lay Down Your Arms. It is a song about piece and comes from the Jewish faith. It has some words in it, apparently Hebrew, and I would like to know more about them. I can't ask the people who gave it to us, because they were Presbyterians.

So, what can anybody tell me about these words?
v' cheetetoo charvo tam le-eeteem va chaneetoteyhem le maz me rot

lo yisa goy el goy chehrev velo yeelmedoo od meelchama
(I am not sure that the word breaks are in the right place.)

I know that Hebrew has its own script. Is it a "done thing" to represent it this way, or was this something special done for this song?

We are getting pronunciation help from a cantor, so that part is all right.