The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96535   Message #1890277
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
21-Nov-06 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas new tactic
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas new tactic
And what f**king ball clanking red necked alpha male type genius decided that destroying the pathetic 'temporary' homes of the parents of suicide bombers would bring peace?

The Nazis murdered 100 or so civilians at random for evey soldier killed by 'resistors' and that just resulted in a lot of murdered civilians (even whole towns shut up in the church and set fire to!) - and MORE killed soldiers.

First the parents are devastated that their loved ones do something absolutely stupid - guaranteed to bring retaliation - but before they have a chance to blame the loonies who brainwashed their child - some f**king ball clanking red necked alpha male type genius smashes their home to rubble - and them too if they don't run away fast enough!

Any wonder their friends and neighbours decide - well, (in the words of Tom Leher)"Then we'll all go together when we go!" and brainwash THEIR OWN children into becoming suicide bombers too...

Don't forget that some of the loonies (and strongly supported by the loony Xtians!) - actually WANT, nay SEEK the 'total destruction of everything in the Real World' as PART OF THEIR RELIGION! Some of them even claim THAT THEY SHOULD SPEED THE ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION UP - for the fulfilment of their warped beliefs! Why the hell would THEY 'want peace'?!!!

And lets just hope that their 'Dr Strangloves' will not be able to dig themselves out of their nice deep bunkers after having pushed the red button - I'll have too many other important things on MY mind to want to waste resources digging THEM out of the glowing rubble.