The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96535   Message #1891449
Posted By: Teribus
23-Nov-06 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas new tactic
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas new tactic
Nickhere - 21 Nov 06 - 05:00 PM

"I think another point is being missed here, and that is Palestinian desperation: first they got fed up with Arafat, nothing much happening, their lands still confiscated, their farms grabbed and bulldozed, their lives controlled in a thousand petty details by a foreign occupying army, being hemmed into a giant reservation (when Israeli Jewish settlers aren't taking the parts they want) fenced in by a wall. So, they decide to turn tro that much-vaunted democracy and vote for Hamas to represent them. Whether you agree with Hamas' policies etc., the Palestinians noentheless voted for them, to represent them (as Israelis voted for those in Knesset). The first thing the 'civilised world' does is tell them "ooh, you made the WRONG democratic choice, now go back and pick a bunch of leaders WE want to have represent you" And cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority (further impoverishing the people)."

I think that Nickhere is ignoring an extremely important point and attempting to completely misrepresent what actually happened:

"Whether you agree with Hamas' policies etc., the Palestinians noentheless voted for them, to represent them (as Israelis voted for those in Knesset). The first thing the 'civilised world' does is tell them "ooh, you made the WRONG democratic choice, now go back and pick a bunch of leaders WE want to have represent you"

That is not what happened at all. Nickhere for some reason best known to himself does not seem to believe mentioning that the cornerstone of Hamas policy is important. Just to refresh his memory and introduce it into the debate, the declared aim of Hamas is the total destruction of the State of Israel and annihilation of the Jewish/Israeli population.

It was that policy statement that the "civilised world" quite rightly took exception to Nickhere.

At no time whatsoever did the "civilised world" tell the Palestinian electorate to go and pick another bunch of leaders Nickhere.

What the "civilised world" did do was tell the PA and Hamas that unless Hamas recanted and withdrew that stated policy and officially stated that they recognised Israel's right to exist in peace as a sovereign state there would be no further funding.