The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18858   Message #189170
Posted By: Rick Fielding
04-Mar-00 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: If you'd like some airplay....
Subject: If you'd like some airplay.....
It occured to me that since there are so many new Mudcatters who've joined us recently, I'll mention something again that the "veterans" are well aware of.

Since joining Mudcat a year and a half ago (thanks to Sandy Paton) I've featured the music of quite a few "cats" on my radio show "Acoustic Workshop". Some are folks who's songs I've known for many years like The Patons, Frank Hamilton, Art Theime, Judy Cook, Kendall Morse and several others, while folks like Guy Wolfe, Jed Marum, Paul G. etc. were completely new to my ear...and very welcome.

Truthfully, I've gotten almost totally fed up with the "sameness" of the vast majority of submissions I receive from the record companies. Sadly, the singer-songwriters (for the most part) appear to be "rock wannabees" and just don't interest me. Much of the rest is the same celtoid/world mishmash that was interesting 8 years ago, but not now (to me).

The format of "Acoustic Workshop" has been for 11 years to promote "traditionally based artists" who may not have the clout or dollars of a record company behind them. Whether someone is "professional" or not is of no consequence to me if their music is strong and well recorded on either CD or tape.

Radio CIUT's range is quite substantial (Ontario and parts of New York state) and for a while I was sending shows to Mudcat. Sadly the station's good quality tape deck I used to record the shows went on the fritz and hasn't been fixed....and the Real-Audio is still down. (every week the powers that be say it'll be up any day!!)

So if anyone wants to submit something for potential airplay, please do. T'will be treated with respect. (no guarantees of course) Send me an e-mail (it's in Bbc's Mudcat Resources, in the "Quick Links" section) and I'll fill you in on the details. Thanks.
