The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96535   Message #1892772
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
24-Nov-06 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas new tactic
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas new tactic
" I'd distinguish between subsequent events that are closely linked to what happened in the Nazi holocaust, such as the Palestinian tragedy, and events which are much more remotely connected, such as the genocides in Cambodia and Ruanda. "

You can if you want, but I won't - I'm basically a 'humanitarian' in my views. It doesn't matter WHO was murdered ot WHERE, PEOPLE were, and that's that. So our Memorial to them is to ensure that it won't happen again, to anybody, anywhere - not give a very narrowly defined group a perputual free 'pity-me' ticket.

To cleverly define "The Holocaust" in a very restricted way as JUST a 'Jew/Nazi' thing allows other would be mass murders to wriggle away and claim "I didn't that was wrong - I'm not a Nazi! And I didn't kill any Jews!" - viz, "The Killing Fields of Asia"!!?

The "Aussie Anzac Day" is dedicated to 'all those who died in all wars everywhere' - irrespective of what side they were on. We have Italians, Germans, Russians, Turks***, etc who fought etc participate. There have been some heated debates about Vietnamese though...

*** Turks - yeah - the two countries are very close, largely as a RESULT of the conflict - Note though, that the leader of the "invaded country"### - Ataturk - made a brillant Statesman Speech - which you really should read - in which he said basically that the mothers of those slain should have peace, becuase your sons are our sons, your sons have been absorbed into the hearts of the Turkish people, like their blood had been absorbed by the Turkish Soil. You'd have to be a thorough bastard to still hate the Turks after that... and note that the same sort of statement is still being sought from Japan by some...

###In the Middle East, BOTH SIDES are claiming the 'invaded country' status...