The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80249   Message #1892927
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
24-Nov-06 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: a strap for my bodhran?
Subject: RE: a strap for my bodhran?
Watch what Stefan Hannigan can do with a bodhrain.... it'll make you weep and want to give up immediately... EVERYONE who picks up a boddie for the first time should be made to watch him... hopefully they'll never pick one up again!

Cross bars - some bodhrains have 1 or 2 cross bars that help to a) hold the thing still and b) wedge the hand against so that there's something to push back against when flexing the skin. It's great for lady players who might not have so much strength in their wrists as men.

If you really want to hang a strap on a barless boddie, maybe drill a hole in the frame and use a Dclip or a leather thong?