The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3952   Message #1892930
Posted By: katlaughing
24-Nov-06 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: info about Paul Clayton??
Subject: RE: info about Paul Clayton??
Doreen, just in case you aren't familiar with how the PM system at Mudcat works, just join as a member by clicking on "Membership, up top. It is free, easy, and will NOT get you spammed. Once you've done that, go to Your Personal Page, also listed at the top menu bar and choose Send a Message, type in "katlaughing" and write away, then hit Send. :-) That way you can send personal messages to anyone else who is a member, except Art, who has been a member for umpteen years but can't get his cookie or something back. So...we work around it. Hope this makes sense.LOL

All the best,
