The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96553   Message #1893618
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
25-Nov-06 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
Lacks a story????? If anything, there is probably more story here than in any other Bond flick.   After seeing it and giving it some thought, this may be my favorite of the Bond flicks.

The Casino Royale with David Niven is unwatchable. I tried to put it on a few days ago and found it full of stale British humor from the 60's and it just wasn't funny. It may have been great to watch in its day, but the film is a pile of crap when viewed in modern times.

Go see the "new" Casino Royale with an open mind and I think most people will agree with the rave reviews. There is enough chases and excitement to satisfy the Bond jones that we fans have, but the addition of the twisting story, good cast, and beautiful cinematography made it a wonderful picture.

To say that Eva Green looks like a concentration camp victim is a sign that you need to have your glasses checked, or you need to take lessons on making jokes. That one did not work. She was brilliantly cast in the role and played it well. She looked great.

For the first time, I did not miss Sean Connery. Daniel Craig OWNS James Bond now.