The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1894605
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
28-Nov-06 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Well, I've survived a series of turkey days, and am the better for it. Or is it the fatter for it? These last five or six days have been a whirlwind, so I'm pleased to sit here at the kitchen table, not having to go anywhere or do anything today.

Thanksgiving Day, Ruth and I went down to her/now my son's and duaghter-in-law's apartment for a family gathering in the Bronx. Or is it Da Bronx. We have as bountiful a feast as I've ever had on Thanksgiving, and we were sent on our way in the evening with enough food to last three or four days. Friday morning, we got up at 4 to go wait for Radio Shack to open at 6 a.m. They had a special sale on a Scott flat-screen, HD tv, and when I asked them how many tvs "A limited quantity" meant and they said "one," we figured we'd better get there early. We were the first ones there, and were glad to get the tv.. a terrific price and far better quality than the cheapo (and much more expensive) alternative no-name brands at Walmart. We spent the day changing tv's and getting set up, only to find that we couldn't use the tv until we had a service man come and hook of a new receiver. Saturday, we drove to an ex-niece-in'law's apartment for a post Thanksgiving Thanksgiving with Ruth's husband's family (she is till close with all of them.) And stuffed ourselves again.
Sunday, we drove down to Brooklyn (a two hour drive) for the ordination of our sister-in-law in the Baptist Church they attend, and afterward, were taken out to dinner with another collection of family members, and I had fried catfish, grits and tomato slices with melted cheese on them while Ruth had fried chicken and a waffle (a southern tradition neither of us were aware of.) And then, yesterday, a service man came to install our new receiver for the HDtv and change our other receiver for regular dish television. He messed something up in the process, and was here from 8:30 in the morning until 5 in the evening.

And on the sixth day, we're resting.

And a powerful insight came to me. The turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving because it says "gobble, gobble" and gets stuffed.

Just a cup of coffee, please. No turkey doughnuts..
